Amy Hyde
National Lifeline Service Manager, Cats Protection.
Amy has been delivering specialist pet fostering services to survivors of domestic abuse for over 10 years, overseeing both the Dogs Trust Freedom Project and more recently the specialist cat fostering service at Cats Protection, Lifeline (previously known as Paws Protect).
During this time, Amy led the significant expansion of the Freedom Project to an almost national service, and more recently moved to Cats Protection to lead further upcoming Lifeline expansions across the UK.
Amy co-chairs the Links Pet Fostering Group – a coalition of specialist pet fostering services operating in the UK. Amy has a background in animal behaviour and welfare, holds a Women’s Aid domestic abuse qualification and volunteers on a national domestic abuse helpline.
What Our Attendees Say
The speaker's presentation was incredibly impactful. It truly opened my eyes to the importance of recognising and addressing the link between animal and human abuse. The Links Group's mission is now something I deeply support.
‘Whilst the sharing of real scenarios from survivors' experiences was confronting and difficult to hear, it really cemented the knowledge and research you were providing’.
Attending this event was a game-changer for me. The insights shared by the speaker were both enlightening and motivating. I left feeling empowered to make a difference in my community.