Throughout the 16 Days of Action against Gender-Based Violence and International White Ribbon Day, White Ribbon UK asked for your support for #ItStartswithMen, to help raise awareness of the important role men and boys play to positively change cultures in workplaces and communities to prevent violence against women and girls.
On Monday 18th November, trustee David Martin represented The Links Group at an important cross-party stakeholder event at the Senedd, Cardiff. Organised by the National Federation of Women’s Institutes-Wales and sponsored by Joyce Watson MS, this meeting and vigil marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and International White Ribbon Day.
Dave signed the ‘Not in My Name’ pledge board on behalf of The Links Group before joining the presentations.
The Links Group is proud to have spent 16 Days 2024 raising awareness of and delivering training on the link between abuse of animals and abuse of people, attending face-to-face and hybrid events, and supporting in the online space our colleagues working to protect animals and protect people.
We’d like to draw your attention to the importance of the work of White Ribbon UK, who have thanked all those supporters who “have been part of workplace conferences, meetings, webinars, and training, as well as raising awareness in your community, with evening vigils, awareness raising stands and fundraising activities to name a few. We saw White Ribbons everywhere – on tv, on trains, across social media, in stadiums and even on rail ticket machines.
Thank you for all your efforts in making White Ribbon Day 2024 such a success. You can watch a roundup of some of this year’s activities here.
White Ribbon UK’s work relies on support from organisations and individuals to keep engaging men and boys to create positive cultural change in our workplaces, schools and communities. If you’re looking for ways to support our work, please consider making a donation, here.
Thank you for standing with us every day and working towards creating a future where all women and girls can live free from the fear of violence.”
For more information on their work “with men and boys to change long-established, and harmful, attitudes, systems and behaviours around rigid gender norms and masculinity that perpetuate inequality and violence”, please visit their website here and watch this short video here – it is 90 seconds well spent!
This information is taken from the White Ribbon UK newsletter and website and is reproduced here with their permission.